Name of Company * Sponsor Level * Bagpipe $1,500 Emerald $1,000 Entertainment $750 Pot O' Gold $500 Leprechaun $250 Shamrock $150 Contact Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone * (###) ### #### Please tell us about your entry: * Decorated Vehicle (25' length) Walking Group (25 people max) Decorated Vehicle with Trailer (40' length) Oversized Vehicle (40' max) Will your entry play music? * Live band or speakers Yes No Please provide a short paragraph that you would like the MC to say when your entry comes to the main square: * Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Website http:// By clicking "Submit" you agree to the following: Please check the box below if you will NOT have an entry in the parade. All other fields are required. (Vehicle and music will be disregarded) NO ENTRY Thank you! Your submission has been received.