Parade FAQs
Line up starts at 11:00am at Plainfield Central High School. Give yourself and your crew plenty of time to get to the staging area and get set up. Participants and entries later than 12:30pm will not be admitted and will forfeit their space. NO EXCEPTIONS.
All participants and entries/floats/vehicles must enter from Fort Beggs Drive south of the school. Check your line up number and enter at the correct entrance “A” or “B”. Signs will be posted and staff will be present to direct you to the correct entrance. Parking for participants is available at the high school, but will fill up quickly. Once the participant parking is full, only vehicles registered as an entry will be admitted into the staging area so get there early to ensure you have parking. Only those participants with an entry number will be admitted.
Parade is rain or shine. Cancellation due to extreme weather is determined by Village of Plainfield Police. No refunds will be given due to poor weather or cancellations due to extreme weather.
All entries must give out candy or prizes. Village ordinance does not allow for anything to be thrown from the vehicle or float. These items must be handed out at the curb.
Entries cannot be combined. You must purchase 1 entry per business or group. Organizations can purchase a single entry but cannot represent multiple individuals or groups. Groups are limited to 25 people max.
Your line up position and entrance number will be posted on the website the Thursday before the parade. There is no trading of line up numbers or spaces allowed. Entries out of position will either participate in their assigned position or will be asked to leave. Fee must be paid in full before admittance to the parade is allowed.
Line up positions are subject to change by parade staff at any time. It is possible on the day of the parade you may be reassigned a different number. You must abide by the direction of the parade staff or you will not be allowed to participate.
A complete and paid entry form is required for admittance into the parade, during the parade and along the designated route. Vending is not part of the entry fee, nor is vending allowed without a permit. Access to the parade route before the parade is restricted.
Music is encouraged but must be indicated on your application so we can flag any conflicts with other music. Music must be age appropriate (no profanity) and the volume must be adjustable.
All animals must be controlled and leashed at all times. Animals must be in good health with all updated medical papers. Animals should be able to handle being in large crowds and loud noises. Participants with animals must clean up immediately after their animal. Violators will be asked to leave immediately and will be fined per village ordinance. If animals are desired to be part of your parade entry, you must indicate that on the application.
All entries must be decorated with a positive St. Patrick’s Day theme. If you are not decorated appropriately, you will not be allowed to participate. Taping a couple shamrocks to your vehicle or other lame attempts to decorate last minute will be evaluated and given a chance to correct. If no corrections are made and parade staff feel decorations are inadequate or inappropriate, you will be asked to leave.
Any vehicle or entry that is deemed unsafe by parade staff or the Village of Plainfield Police/Fire will not be allowed to participate.
No overweight/oversized vehicles or excessive height vehicles are allowed. No semi-trailers over 40’ (total combined length) long allowed. If in doubt, check with parade logistics or parade administrator to see if you are in compliance.
Pace or speed of the parade is dictated by the entry in front of you or by direction of parade staff. There is no stopping or slowing down during the parade unless you are directed to do so by parade staff. Please always maintain a consistent forward motion; keeping gaps to a minimum. Drivers must always be in control of the vehicle. No burn-outs, wheelies or similar unsafe driving practices are allowed.
All floats with children must have at least 2 adults riding on the float or vehicle.
There is no getting on and off of the floats or vehicles during the parade.
All vehicles must be in good running condition, be road worthy, and be free of exhaust leaks. Drivers must be current licensed drivers with appropriate classification type and have proof of vehicle insurance.
Guns and other firearms are not allowed in the staging area, on the parade route or in/on any of the entries or on any persons participating in the parade.
No open alcohol is permitted on the parade route, in the lineup area, or in/on the vehicles!
No confetti, ribbons, ticker tape, or silly string may be used during the parade.
All entries will return to the staging area at the end of the parade and are expected to keep their area clean. Porta potties will be available at the staging area.